Thursday, February 21, 2013

Forest Room: The Gift of Compassion

One child in the Forest Room this year has insulin dependent diabetes, so we teachers carry a device called a "Dex" in our pockets which helps monitor his blood sugar. It vibrates and alarms when the child's blood sugar might be too high or too low.

Last week, just as we came in from the garden and sat down for circle, the Dex vibrated and alarmed. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was alerting us to a potential low blood sugar count, and knew it needed immediate attention. My co-teacher was changing a diaper, so the theme for our circle became checking blood sugar. I showed the children the Dex and explained briefly what it did. Then I talked about each step as I pricked the child's finger and put a drop of blood on the test strip. The blood test verified the low and this meant the child needed a juice box to raise blood sugar back to safe levels. I went to get him one and saw the longing on every child's face as I brought it back to circle.

Helping with a zipper
I talked about how the juice would help this child feel better, that without it he would become sick, that I was sorry they could not have one. Not a single child in the circle protested, even though it was minutes away from lunch time and they were all hungry. That's a lot of willpower!

Because I had forgotten to push a button on the Dex to let it know I was aware of the possible low blood sugar count, it alarmed again, and one child pointed to it (I had yet to put it back in my pocket), saying, "Again!" "Again!" I saw what she was doing and thanked her for alerting me.

Later as I thought about this interaction I felt deeply touched about the children's handling of this situation. How lovely to be so deeply connected, to be in such a community!

As I grow older, I become more and more convinced that compassion is perhaps the most vital skill we can cultivate in young children. Having the ability to empathize with others, to understand their needs and feelings, is a great gift. These young children, aged two and three, already sense the ways we need to support one another. Whether it is sharing a toy, getting someone a tissue, or helping a child with his coat or shoes, children want to be in connection with one another. Children who are able to show kindness to others are also able to show kindness to themselves as well as to the world around them. This way of thinking is at the heart of what we wish for--and what we work for--with the children: that they exhibit tolerance, tenderness and consideration for every being in their lives; that compassion becomes synonymous with who they are.


  1. And your reflection on their compassion is a true gift as well. Thank you for this intimate glimpse into the lives of young children.

  2. Such a beautiful post indeed, Fran. You might be interested to know that many Forest room parents have shared that their child likes to "check blood sugar" for family members and toys at home. Its clearly an act that they associate with caring and for and keeping those they love safe. We're so lucky to be part of such an inclusive and compassionate community of blood sugar checkers and juice box abstainers!


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